Constant Speed Propellers : weight comparison

A weight comparison of the most common inflight variable pitch propellers on the market in Europe (3-blade models only).

The E-Props Glorieuse-3 propeller range is by far the lightest. Innovative research, advanced calculations, extensive testing and the use of high-performance materials have made this impressive gap possible.

weighing of the E-Props Glorieuse propeller

The complete set of Glorieuse propeller with its spinner and all the screws (3,495 kg) + governor (555 g) + regulator (35 or 70 g) = 4,1 kg all inclusive
That is to say : a propeller lighter than all the fixed & adjustable pitch propellers on the market (except E-Props 😀).

weighing example: MT Propellers MTV-7-A (16,5 kg)

Advantages of a light propeller

First of all, in aviation, any weight savings are important. It’s obvious.

Then, the light propellers allow a better functioning of the engine :
  – better performances of the engine on the whole RPM range
  – better linearity of the engine RPM
  – smoother starting and shutdown
  – much less constraints on the reducer [a]
  – less vibrations due to the propeller

[a] A light propeller allows to respect the maximal value of the MOMENT of INERTIA of the engine.
Using of a propeller with a moment of inertia upper to the values indicated by the engines manufacturers is going to decrease of the longevity, even to break the reducer or the screws of the propeller.

Then, a low moment of inertia also makes the propeller more reactive :
  – this allows a direct and enjoyable piloting, without strength, without gap between pressing the accelerator and the increase of RPM.
  – the propeller stops very fast : that is fewer risks of break in case of shock in the propeller. Less stored kinetic energy = fewer damages in case of impact.

Last but not least, a lightest propeller increases fuel range and safety significantly.
For example, a weight gain of 4 kg (common with E-Props !)= 5,6 liters of fuel, which allows to fly 50 km more with an aircraft with a Rotax 912 (consumption of 16 l/h).
A real gain.

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