Pendulaire Revo avec hélice Excalibur-4

Voici les commentaires de Glade Montgomery, propriétaire d’un pendulaire REVO avec hélice E-PROPS Excalibur-4. Merci Glade !

E-PROPS on REVO TRIKE Glade Montgomery USAA lire ici :

This is is my Revo with brand-new e-Prop propeller.

It’s amazing.

Larry had told me to expect significantly increased thrust and monumentally smoother rotation (in particular, as compared to the two-blade Sensenich).

He was not kidding.

Smooth, yes. Very, very velvety smooth.

In fact, even starting and stopping the engine, because of the much decreased inertia content (I did not weigh or check specs to compare, but it feels like this assembly weighs one-third as much), there is far less jerking around as felt from the cockpit seat.

But in regard to thrust addition, it’s practically out of this world.

With the Sensenich prop, Rival wing and 100 hp 912, the tendency at takeoff is the wing automatically wants to pitch high and (at least absent fighting it by pulling in pretty hard) you instantly go into a very steep and rapid climb. This lasts for 2 to 3 seconds (maybe less; it always seems like these transitions consume more time than they really do), then the momentum kind of gives up, the nose drops down, and the climb is suddenly much more sedate.

With this e-Prop, I was amazed on the first takeoff. That steep climb just kept holding, and holding, and holding. It did not want to let go.

e-Props are made in France. They look like jewelry. They even have a characteristic which makes them almost like a variable-pitch prop at cruise. Those Frenchies have done something amazing.