E-Props for VAN’S RV-12 : special pitot system

The pitot tube of the VAN’S RV-12 aircraft is very special: it passes through the hub and spinner of the propeller. It is not always possible for a propeller manufacturer to pass this pitot tube. E-PROPS has developed a pitot tube that passes through the hub and the spinner.

the special pitot tube for VAN’S RV-12
tube through the hub
A very simple system that works perfectly
with the nice carbon spinner, just WOW

Thanks to our test pilot Samy for the assembly, the tests of this system and for the pictures. 🙂

If your aircraft is equipped with a pitot tube on the wing (and no through the spinner), then you also can buy the propeller without this system.

More information, prices, how to order : E-PROPS KIT SYSTEM FOR VAN’S RV-12

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